Just what the smeg is a Reaver anyway?


Vice Admiral
I know what a Reaver is in the Wing Commander sense, Special Forces group for Confed. But I've seen the word used in other games and books to.
So what does mean, can anyone enlighten me?
AFAIK (English is not my mother language) "reaver" is the same as "harvester". You know those guys that collect collect grain e.g. or those vehicles that collect spice in Dune or Tiberium in C&C.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
AFAIK (English is not my mother language) "reaver" is the same as "harvester". You know those guys that collect collect grain e.g. or those vehicles that collect spice in Dune or Tiberium in C&C.

I think you might be referring to 'reaper', which is derived from 'reap' (harvest). Of course, reaper in modern terms is usually used to refer to Death, the Grim Reaper.
Actually I was thinking of the game Soul Reaver where you "harvest" souls to replenish your energy. :)

I know the word "reaper" since I played WCA and was introduced to the reaper cannon ;). But thanks anyway.
A reaver is a person or a particular force that takes things by force, especially through killing. There are other definitions in my dictionary, but I haven't slept in 30 odd hours.
Originally posted by Saturnyne
A reaver is a person or a particular force that takes things by force, especially through killing. There are other definitions in my dictionary, but I haven't slept in 30 odd hours.

Wow! 30 hours. . . pretty impressive. My all time total is 49 hours but I can't say that that was all awake(I zoned out quite a few times, luckily I usually don't study alone). Sometimes finals are a beeeeee-eye-tch :) .
Originally posted by Viper61

Wow! 30 hours. . . pretty impressive. My all time total is 49 hours but I can't say that that was all awake(I zoned out quite a few times, luckily I usually don't study alone). Sometimes finals are a beeeeee-eye-tch :) .


It helps if you don't leave it all to the last moment :)
But actually planning ahead would destroy the whole natural oder of college life. It's ordained that you party as long as possible, procrastinate like hell, and then cram your brains out. :D

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Viper61

Wow! 30 hours. . . pretty impressive. My all time total is 49 hours but I can't say that that was all awake(I zoned out quite a few times, luckily I usually don't study alone). Sometimes finals are a beeeeee-eye-tch :) .

WIMPS!! My gaming group of eight people pulled a five day straight RPG a full 120hours of sleep-depping. One of us pulled seven days(168+ hours) before dropping in the middle of wallmart
Thats not incredibly healthy. I pulled three days before i forcd myself to sleep. I had been playing AVP for two days....
Once ace stayed awake and in #Wing-Commander for 24 hours. This, in my mind, was the most amazing accomplishment in the history of mankind.
heh... I'm sure he was heard to say a lot of amazing things if he ever fell onto his keyboard while his body tried to force sleep.
Wow you guys are really sick... :)

The only thing *I* ever did was pull an all-nighter just before an exam, and then go to play soccer the evening after...
I slept for 12 hours that night I think... :)
My record is 50.5 hours but then I collapsed. We was having a big conference and I was responsible for transporting people here and there so I didn't have time to sleep.
Originally posted by Penguin


It helps if you don't leave it all to the last moment :)

Yeah it usually does, but I was a freshman and didn't understand the unwritten rule of college. There are 3 things at college 1-school, 2- social life (parties, girlfriend, tv, etc), and 3-sleep. The only problem is you can only have 2 at once. Then there is the decision, and you have to be a zen master to balance those things effectively. :)