Is there any encode/decode program for Privateer 2 mission files?


I've been working on Starlancer mission files for a long time. I recently figured out that the Privateer 2 and Starlancer game engines are almost the same. So I want to ask, is there any decode/encode program, or has anyone worked on Privateer 2 mission files before?
I'm not aware of pre-existing work or tools; I've started taking some notes for P2, but I don't have anything useful at this stage I'm afraid. I'm hoping I will eventually though.

As for the P2/SL missions being similar... Despite the core engine seeming like it's possibly a derivative of BRender ("SurRender" as they apparently called it), they're such different games, so I'm dubious. For instance I'm not sure why they would have moved away from IFF if the mission formats are directly related. But who knows, I definitely can't say for certain!

I'm definitely very interested to directly compare the data now, once I have a better handle on it - or better yet if someone beats me to it. :D
This is one of my biggest wants at this point, too; there's a lot of dark information yet to be extracted from Privateer 2 mission details!