Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

I just did a quick test in SM2 and it seems to work fine. I'll let you know if I encounter anything.

Now that you're working on WC2 as well, I'd like to report some issues regarding cutscene music.
There are some cutscenes in both Special Operations add-ons without any music, although in some cases the music is included in the stream-files.

This includes:
The argument between Thrakath and Khasra (the music is not included in the stream-files)
The brig-scenes (the music is included in the stream-files)
The court martial of Jazz (the music is included in the stream-files)
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Can you provide comparison screenshots to highlight your issue?

Sure thing. BTW I'm still using windows XP in this case :) it usually works fine with older games.

The game looks good but I'd prefer the 'blocky' old version as I'm use to it.

One more Issue, I'm afraid WC2 KS saga version suffers from the same background planet/interstellar object not showing up that WC1 KS did.
Oh, not sure if its important to my original entry a few posts up but just to be thorough: I'm using Windows 7 SP1, Intel q9550, a AMD 7970 3GB Graphics card and 16GB RAM.
..and so far no problems of any kind.
Sure thing. BTW I'm still using windows XP in this case :) it usually works fine with older games.

The game looks good but I'd prefer the 'blocky' old version as I'm use to it.

Interesting... this may just be my near-complete inexperience with D3D9 at play, or it could be a driver issue (or maybe a driver setting). Have you enabled antialiasing modes in the driver? Maybe something there is overriding my choices.

Edit: Removed incorrect analysis. Better analysis follows:

Wcdx creates a back-buffer sized at 320x200 pixels and never changes it. Windows (or, more accurately, the graphics driver) is responsible for stretching the content of the back buffer over the window. I have no control over that process that I'm aware of, and documentation is sparse on this subject. I think what you're seeing is a driver bug (and also a bug in Wine if that's its behavior), but maybe it's configurable somehow.
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Wcdx creates a back-buffer sized at 320x200 pixels and never changes it. Windows (or, more accurately, the graphics driver) is responsible for stretching the content of the back buffer over the window. I have no control over that process that I'm aware of, and documentation is sparse on this subject. I think what you're seeing is a driver bug (and also a bug in Wine if that's its behavior), but maybe it's configurable somehow.

Sorry to bother you with this again but do you have any sugestions whan can be done about it? Any hints?
Sorry to bother you with this again but do you have any sugestions whan can be done about it? Any hints?
No bother! I'm interested in figuring out what's causing this.

Anyway, I recommend checking your driver settings to make sure you haven't enabled any anti-aliasing modes that might be overriding the choices that wcdx makes.
I recommend checking your driver settings to make sure you haven't enabled any anti-aliasing modes

I turned off everything in the NVIDIA control panel but it didn't help. Anywhere else I can look for it?

PS. The unpatched Wc1.exe file works fine as usual - it's not blurry at all
The unpatched KS executable changes your display resolution to 320x200; my version doesn't do that. Wcdx leaves the desktop resolution alone, which is why going in and out of full-screen mode is so fast. It looks like I'll have to research this further, but it could be a while before I get to it.

For all people experiencing this issue: Can you post your graphics hardware and driver version? I'd like to know if this is specific to particular hardware.
Also, try the attached build of wcdx. This build uses the reference d3d9 implementation rather than using your graphics hardware; it may not actually run on your machine (I'm not sure if you'll have a Microsoft-provided reference driver), but if it does, it'll tell us if the problem is in the graphics driver or somewhere else.

This is just a test build, but if it works for you, great.


I'm afraid for me It didn't make a difference, but as you know I'm running wine 1.7.51 on MacOSX. I think there are too many variables too pin it down on my end. For the record i have a Nvidia GT 330M.
For you, since you're using wine, the two device types are probably identical, so I'm not surprised that there's no difference.

Anyway, I have a solution to this in mind that I'll whip up shortly. Right now, I'm relying on Windows (or wine) to handle stretching the 320x200 back buffer onto the window, but I don't have any control over how that stretch happens, so I'll just add another step where wcdx does the stretch. This unfortunately means that there'll be an extra frame buffer copy operation that wouldn't be needed otherwise, but it's not as if wcdx is hampered by performance limitations...
Here's another test build. This one implements the stretch and extra buffer copy. There are some known issues:
  • The window resizing experience (dragging the window border in windowed mode) looks wonky, but doesn't break anything.
  • Multi-monitor support may be broken under certain specific scenarios. I'm not at home right now, so I don't have a second display to test with.
Let me know if this addresses the blurriness issue.


Thanks Stinger! That worked perfectly for me. I don't have a multi monitor so that's ok for my purposes. If this has thoes issues though perhaps it would be better if this were an optional alternate rendering method.