How much do all WC intellectual property rights cost?

EA will keep it souly because it's a classic game franchise and to prevent anyone else from making new games for it to compete against them with it. The only thing they might do is allow a developer the rights to make a game but they'd be the one's publishing it of course as with most of their franchises. They'd probably be cautious about who they would let do that as well.
Dragon-Dreams said:
I don't think EA would give it away very easily. Being the Tyrant's of the gaming world they are.

Hell yeah! What kind of *company* wants to make *money*?
Bandit LOAF said:
Hell yeah! What kind of *company* wants to make *money*?

Yeah, that's why they don't release Ultima Online expansions. They're sick and tired of milking people for every dollar they've got! ;)
A buck two ninety-eight. Anyone got change for a twenty-five dollar bill?
Spien said:
EA will keep it souly because it's a classic game franchise and to prevent anyone else from making new games for it to compete against them with it. The only thing they might do is allow a developer the rights to make a game but they'd be the one's publishing it of course as with most of their franchises. They'd probably be cautious about who they would let do that as well.
You're looking at this from entirely the wrong direction. Wing Commander is EA's property. Therefore, you shouldn't be listing all the reasons why EA won't give it up - ultimately, they only need one reason (which is simply that it's their property). Instead, try listing all the reasons why EA *should* give up the WC franchise.


1. Because they *want* to let someone else make lots of money.
2. Because they're really nice people and you said "please".
3. Because they're really nice people and you said "pretty please".

None of the above are very convincing. What I'm getting at is that they have *no reason whatsoever* to give up the WC franchise. They gain nothing from doing so. Even if they don't plan to ever release another WC game, it makes far better sense for them to keep the franchise in their pocket rather than sell it to somebody.
Unless the proposed figures as the selling price were *very* tasty. I don't know exactly how much they spent on any given WC game, and I don't know what kind of revenue they ultimately generated from each game. That doesn't include movies, books, toys, t-shirts, etc etc etc. LOAF (or someone else who is actually qualified to answer this question), what kind of estimate are we talking about here?