Has anyone thought of this?


212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
We could petition until the cows came home for EA to return Wing Commander to us, but why don't we just post the fan directory and the hit counter to them, to show how big of a fan base it is? I mean, EVERY WC fan comes here!
read the internal meno in the wing commander CIC, they give a very stange escuse for laying of 20 people (I am still waithing for the "radial changes in tecnologie") do you think that it will help.
EA is having some...well I dont know what EA wants, instat sellers, well what is WC? and they end it.
A good Idea, but EA does not hear the Fan.
The WCESCRP.. which would simply have solicited the release of some old obsolete WC tech.. fell on deaf ears with over 500 WC fan signatures. :) Petitions are fun, but multibillion dollar companies go where the money is, not where several hundred (or even thousand) fans want them to.. They'll be a new WC game in time without a petition though.
Origin has always gone for new technology or different types of games. WC was that for quite a while, first pushing the technology of games, and then using FMV (quite the rage at the time of WC3). At this time the new tech is MMP games. Ultima is perfect for that. When a new, interesting revolution in games comes that is good for WC they'll make a game.

Originally posted by ChrisReid
The WCESCRP.. which would simply have solicited the release of some old obsolete WC tech.. fell on deaf ears with over 500 WC fan signatures.
500 is downright disappointing too. On the other hand, I can't say I myself really cared about getting the source code. I can run all the games, and I never cared for fanmade addons. If it's not official then it's not real, and then it's just raw action.

What's even more disappointing is the number of people reviewing Red Planet. Peter Telep asked the fans do this, in exchange for the outline of Pilgrim Truth. But most people don't seem to care...

I guess my bottom line is, petitions suck. Nobody cares enough to sign them, and even if a handful they do they never accomplishe anything (apart from giving someone an excuse to writing a piss-poor editorial that somehow blames David Swofford for everything that's wrong in the world).
Yeah but...

What we have here is a lack of motivation.

Let's notice that some REALLY big computer game magazines like NextGen and PC Gamer (not sure about that second one) completely ignored the abhorant cancelation of the WC series and Origin all together (Though not WC, I'm also very upset at the disolving of EA's Bullfrog subsidary, which made the classic PC game Syndicate, something that ranks in WC territory on it's excellence level). Considering these people threw a sh*t-fit over Romero's Daikata (which BOMBED), we aren't getting press support.

Then lets consider the average gamer, ME. I'm a sucker for a good PC game: Warcraft 2, Jedi Knight, WC series, X-wing series, etc. Sure, I go online and support the software (if thats what you want to call it) by downloading patches and levels and skins and all sorts of add-ons. Maybe, once in a while, a petition, if it's really worth my time. However, it ends there. Shouldn't we be doing a complete frontal assault on these hypocrytes? Sure, I fear that WC is nothing without Roberts backing it, but the series will die in obscurity if we don't do something within a years time. Sure the fans will be around, but how many of us? How many of us will still be around reading old Forstchen books and still quoting Malcolm McDowell and what-not?

What then?

Though this is an extreme case, let me tell you of the march on Paramount a few months back: A bunch of Trekies (who I normally avoid nowadays, despite my past with them) numbering in the 40s to 50s, petitioned outside Paramount studios on behalf of George Takei (aka Sulu) for his own show. God knows, I'd've been out there 'cause Sulu freakin rocks. Him and Scotty at least. Anyway, They did a picket for Sulu's own show instead of the one Paramount wants to do ("The Birth of the Federation" which sounds sh*tty to me). But the fans got their point across by attacking the nerve dammit.

What have we done? Internet petitions.

Hell, 3 years ago, I sent a letter once a week to Saban for them to release information to me about a cartoon that had been canceled. They never responded after a year's of letters. But what about 500 people sending a letter a week? Or even a month?

The cancellation of Wing Commander in favor of several Ultima Online spinoffs got plenty of attention. Just check the March or April 2000 archives.

Prophecy and Secret Ops were great games, and Wing Commander doesn't need either Roberts. Whether or not a game is good depends on the whole team, as well as funding and the amount of time the team gets to deliver the game. Problem is, EA doesn't seem to believe in a future for Wing Commander without Roberts (Prophecy got great sales figures nonetheless).

EA and Origin have always had strict policies about their intellectual property. It should have come as no surprise to anyone with an IQ of 80 or more that they would never hand over the code for WC1 (let alone Prophecy...).

Old games make reappearances all the time. Just because some of the original players aren't around anymore, that doesn't mean there aren't any new potential players out there. If that were true, everyone would be making nothing but sequels :) Doom 2000, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Mechwarrior 4.. all big names that have been resurrected.
Does this mean that EA and Origin think their WC series is not "big name big time" anymore? So sad!! :(


"Just smokin out a lil game, flyboy" [quote, mercs, Privateer/RF]
It doesn't mean that they don't think it's a big hit, it just means that they're going to let it settle out a while. Most of the storyline got depleted in the first four WC's, and the addition of the Nephs really felt... well, weak to me. The Kilrathi are the real enemy, the real fun. To just add a new warlike race whenever it's necessary seems pretty lame. That same thing recently happened with the Star Wars EU, they added the Yuuzhan Vong because the Imps were defeated, but how lame is that? The real enemies were the Imperials.

Games like Priv took it another step, and Priv 2 (which I still don't really consider WC) just pushed it farther from the original core of the story, the original... well, romance, if you will. They knew that WCP wouldn't do as well as the other games, but they dared to hope otherwise. Their hopes came close to fruition, but not quite close enough.

They know there's still a lot to be gained from WC, they just need time to A) find some new and groundbreaking area to put the next game in (after all, new technologies for gaming is what WC's all about) and B) find that lost romance and put it back in the games, somehow. And you can tell they want to: WCESCRP failed.

But WCP did great... 750,000 units sold. It probably had a much better ROI (Return On Investment) than Wing Commander IV, which cost a boatload of money.

Origin does Wing Commander and Ultima. Right now Ultima Online is making them a lot of money, a lot more than any other game ever could. So for the time being they're focusing entirely on UO...

I remember that WC IV had bad publicity from the use of a advanced engine based on the one in WC III, that was the main reason from bad reviews.
As from EA/OSI they could LIE to us and say they were thinking in the next WC game story line, That would keep us in a more peaceful state of mind.

I hope (like everyone else here) that will be a new WC game, but its going, at lest, a long time before they start working on that.

The privatter series sould be the next project on the works but they have to finish UO2 before doing anything else, I just hope that is based on the WC universe, that "alternaty time" on the P2 was not very nice (I did not like it)

Originally posted by Dragon
I remember that WC IV had bad publicity from the use of a advanced engine based on the one in WC III, that was the main reason from bad reviews.
I saw very few bad reviews of WCIV. In fact, I can't recall a one that was overall less that very good.

Can you elaborate?
Well I can but not very well.
I read on a magazine that WC IV engine was only a upgarde of the one used on WC III, they also say something about the fighters were also the same from WC III as well, but that was a very long time ago, The engine was the most attaced part of the review in there but they still give a 85 to the game.
Hey Kris, in response to your response to... the thing about WCP. I know it did well, but it didn't do as well as they'd hoped. IIRC, they wanted to sell a million copies? Yeah, they came pretty damn close with the original release, but not quite to their goal. Hence, they decided to move on to greener pastures.

Yes, I bet it did have a better ROI, but at the same time it's sort of a interestedcustomerbasethermometer, if you will. In that way, it didn't do as well, meaning that they saw a bit less potential in the future.

Or I'm guessing. Frankly I think the drop WC for UO was retarded, especially since they were still making money on both of them. Eggs and a basket and all that.
There's definitely many factors at play... I certainly wouldn't call focusing on UO a bad thing. $150,000 / month is a lot of money. They were obviously looking into expanding their MMP activities, and I guess more UO games were considered a safer investment than POL. Their decision to do 3 or 4 was a bit hasty, but they can always change their minds on that. It's not a dumb move, but it's not one we like either. Still, irrational complaints aren't helping, petitions won't either. EA will bring WC back when they think there's money to be made. Just sit it out, and enjoy what you have today.
Don't forget the details. They didn't just decide to cancel WC, they *were* doing more WC's. Then EA cut their funding and they couldn't afford to do so many games at once. UO2 was further along (and the RPG mmp game was a safe bet). I don't believe they were doing or have actually done anything on any more "Ultima Onlineses" beyond UO2, mysterious things like UOLive and UO3D turned out to be UO1 stuff.
Well yeah... that's something I forgot to add. Not only was UO bringing huge sums, work on UO2 had also progressed a whole lot more than POL. I'm not so sure all the UO Next things and such mentioned in that release turned out to be UO 1 things...