Good Comicbook shops, good game stores in NY or NJ


Cry some more!
Hello to all,
as you may or may not know I am currently en route to New York City to rande vouz with my sister and my nephew... And while I'm in town, I'd like to visit some cool nerd stores. Any recommendations of places to see and buy games and comics and gadgets?

And I'm on my way to rendez-vous with a mysterious alien tube and I'm interested in the best places for tourists to avoid spider robots cutting you up for your component parts.

(I don't know about comic book stores in New York. But Jesse Custard will, so I will ask him if he's around the interweb tonight.)
In New York? There's literally hundreds of them! You should be able to fine plenty with a little looking. Also some great board game stores there if your into that sort of thing.
I was making a WC3 reference, Tolwyn's speech on the Behemoth :(

Well, I kinda guessed that there are hundreds of comic stores in NY, but I was hoping one of you knows of the best and/or cheaper ones :) Maybe some forum regular's cousing works at one :)

but thank you guys anyway, let us wait for more feedback
Sorry, I've only visited New York...I'm not a native so I don't know the cheapest/best. I'm sorry, not too informative I guess. I'm sure somebody here lives nearby though and will know the best answer to your question.