Freezing while loading


I don't know why, but when the splash screen shows that is loading ''thruster018.png'' it freezes.

Any clue?
No problem with the beta versions
Check your firewall.. It's most likely the problem (it was for me).
Best way to check that is to run the game in windowed mode.

Yeah for me something was trying to access the internet, which was a bit I allowed it access if I remember correctly, and then it was OK
Accessing teh Intarweb is the most evilest net address in the world...this is the address this evil game connects to!!!
if you type ping you will get almost 0 ms even on a modem!!!!
This is the website of the alien space invaders that have tapped into the very FABRIC OF THE INTERNET!!!!

but man... learn something about the internet before flaming: google localhost
Thankyou so much mr. l337 h4x0r....whatever address it was after it was still connecting and making windows firewall scream at me. I don't bother to check what every stupid little process is up to when it doesn't really matter, and if you're going to flame at least get an account.

Oh, and please take that kiddy talk somewhere else.
Relax man is just your own computer
tell your firewall to always ignore the program
run in windowed mode
and chill out :-) it's not a network address, it's localhost, meaning it's yourself--the program is just establishing a connection to itself. Quake, Doom, and tons of other engines do this to simplify multiplayer.
It's just that windows and other firewall makers only can protect against past games that do this, not future ones--and they only change things for paying customers
I know that. I have a degree in computer science :)

Windows Firewall didn't mention the IP address, it just went ARGH ARGH something is trying to connect!

I just clicked "unblock" as I knew it was something related and not malicious....