Dishwasher Sets Sights on Card Gaming (October 12, 2004)


In SET your goal is to identify sets of three cards from a deck of 12. If you're not familiar with the game you can read up on the rules here. It's trickier than you might think. Dishwasher is now working on a Wing Commander themed version:
Hi, for the last few days I have been working on a java version of the card game SET, coding has been going well so I got it into me to create a Wing Commander theme for it! :) Although all the game mechanics are present in this version of the game i recon that it will take a few more days to complete all the more fun details like a decent user interface and highscores etc etc. I guess I will eventually post the game on my website for everybody to enjoy, but for now i've included a screenshot.

Original update published on October 12, 2004