Celebrate Tiger's Claw Rembrance Day (February 25, 2010)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
On this day in the year 2656, the TCS Tiger's Claw was ambushed by Strakha stealth fighters while on approach to K'Tithrak Mang, the Kilrathi Enigma Sector HQ. Although the ship and most of her crew were lost, many of her pilots were able to rally and recover aboard the TCS Austin. Among them was Christopher Blair, who was convicted of negligence based on his missing mission recorder and claims of invisible fighters. Here's to one of the most courageous ships in the Confederation fleet!

Original update published on February 25, 2010
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Late as always: Here's to the Tiger's Claw, my favourite WC carrier whose destruction brought us some of the best intro and cutscenes ever!
On my night out at the bar, I raised a glass to friends, good beer, and the TCS Tiger's claw... To date, no one knew what the heck I was talking about. :p