Anyone like Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles?

There's a new DVD coming out? Did they make new episodes or something? I used to watch that show alot when it was on. It was pretty cool, and I plan on picking it up after I get Master and Commader, The Family guy series, and Waking Life. And maybe Requiem For A Dream.
Whoa, a new DVD?

I have practically all the ones released so far (one of my favorite shows). It's been ages since I bought the last one.
Which campaign is it? Or is it all the other episodes? (I think in total there should be 7 or 8 DVDs... based on the episode list).
Follow this thread at the Roughneck Chronicles forum if you want more info. I gotta run to class, or I'd say more.

The important link is on the 3rd page, near the top.

Oh, but it's not new episodes. Just the "missing" episode that was aired on television (but not put on DVD) and the clip shows (one of them is really, really good, as in better than some normal episodes).
Oh yeah, the whole series rocked... it started a bit slow, but got better.

You should also note that they're out of order, I believe.

I really liked Starship Troopers. All my friends think it's a dumb movie. But I think it's a brilliant film. And my girlfriend always gets upset when I say it's no less a classic film than Pride & Prejudice or Jane Eyre. Zimm was the coolest wasn't he?
Shipgate said:
I really liked Starship Troopers. All my friends think it's a dumb movie. But I think it's a brilliant film. And my girlfriend always gets upset when I say it's no less a classic film than Pride & Prejudice or Jane Eyre. Zimm was the coolest wasn't he?

Uh... if the title 'Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles' wasn't clue enough for you, we weren't talking about the movie - we were talking about the cartoon/CGI series based on the book, which (IMO) took the worst parts of the movie and improved them substantially.

I can see why your girlfriend's getting upset though - it's like saying that Debbie Does Dallas is a classic. :D

Uh, I know you were talking about the cartoon. But I never watched it. I just felt like talking about the movie. The movie.
I don't know about that. Verhoeven's movie might be more of an anti-stupid-war film, in showing how using Napoleonic tactics in a modern combat environment will get your ass kicked.

(not even going into the book/movie issue)
Mm, I'm just thinking as compared to the six million "kid gets drafted, goes to Vietnam and is suddenly able to poetically express his distaste for war" movies that the universe seems to think is brilliant.

SST seems a lot more realistic - kids enlist for all the wrong reasons (material rewards, sex, fame, etc.), serve an immoral government without complaint or understanding, watch all their friends die in horrible ways for little/no reason and then finish the movie none the wiser.

(I'm not against war per say, but of all the LOL WAR IS BAD! movies, SST had the most effect on me.)
Haesslich said:
I can see why your girlfriend's getting upset though - it's like saying that Debbie Does Dallas is a classic.
Debbie Does Dallas IS a classic. Just because it's not proper to bring it up in polite conversation doesn't mean it's not an architypal movie.. Something aspiring porn directors and performers look up to and wish to emulate.

Back on topic, has anyone heard of the upcoming SST sequel? (IMDb)
I like your synopsis of the ideas SST presented but I still don't like the movie. Then again, I have issues with all of Verhoven's movies, even the one I actually like quite a bit (Robocop). I appreciate what he was trying to do but I think it wasn't done well enough.

BanditLOAF said:
kids enlist for all the wrong reasons (material rewards, sex, fame, etc.)

You make it sound like those ads in comic books where you sell 10,000 things to win a bike or a see-through radio.
I dunno if the Verhoeven movie was really anti-war... but I think the novel had some interesting points and was logical in many ways.
How could you not think that the movie wasn't anti-war? Did you not notice how ridiculous and hokey all the newsreel segments were (and how they were purposly throwbacks to Cold War propaganda)? I guess you also didn't notice all the characters walking around going "why is this happening?".

The Special Edition DVD I have has a really nice commentary with Verhoven and co.. He describes a lot about how people thought he was making a pro-fascist movie, despite the fact that he spent his childhood in German-occupied Amsterdam.