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  1. J

    Xbox 360 Controller

    I just bought an Xbox 360 Wireless controller for my computer and i am wondering if there was anyway to remap functions in old wing commander games to specific buttons/axis.
  2. J

    Another Wing Commander 3 Mission Creator

    Ok, you all might think I am crazy but i swear there was another Mission Creator for Wing Commander 3 and it was compatible with the Kilrathi Saga version. And it wasnt run from a command prompt. You would open it, put ships on each nav point and then run the mission from the creator. What ever...
  3. J

    Wing Commander and Audio Books

    And you guys Rock!!
  4. J

    Wing Commander and Audio Books

    That is why I am asking Chris.
  5. J

    Wing Commander and Audio Books

    Check this out:
  6. J

    Wing Commander and Audio Books

    You'd be surprised LOAF. My company puts out 350 titles every year and makes 5 million dollars at that same time frame. We are a very profitable company. :)
  7. J

    Wing Commander and Audio Books

    Hello everyone! I work at one of the largest Audio Book publishing companys in America. And I am a HUGE fan of Wing Commander. My question is how many people would want the novels (End Run, Freedom Flight and my favorite Fleet Action, etc.) to listen to on CD or Mp3 download? If there is...