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  1. M

    The state of WC? everyone just too stubborn to look outside wing commander? Freelancer looks very promising, 'sides, I look to Chris Roberts as the man who helped shape wing commander so I believe he should be given a chance. Just my take on it all.
  2. M

    Does anyone know.....

    Now I remember why I fell out of WC, too many egos clashing. Why not leave the guy alone? that and the ops or whatever making idle threats...its a posting board people :\
  3. M

    The state of WC?

    Hi all, I've been away from the WC community for quite some time as I've heard little about any new WC games coming out...which is rather disappointing as I really really liked them to start with... Anyhow, my question is does anyone have any kind of idea what has happened to WC in general...