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  1. G

    A Big Guide to the Little Guys of Wing Commander Prophecy (October 1, 2024)

    Was a great read, thanks LOAF. If I may, I'd like to reference some of these with things I have found while browsing over the file and the dev disks: Copernicus The mesh files are only present in the Secret Ops data.tre and not Prophecy's. It is a Cap Ship type, meaning it is split into a...
  2. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    Now that we're all dressed up, let's go find us a PARTY! @ryanchealth456 @god_at_hell sorry about that, I've been a numpty. I'd 'unmodified' the modification and sent you the exact same file as the one you are replacing. Here is the updated, and this time verified, version!!
  3. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    @ryanchealth456 @god_at_hell try this. Extract the file PANTHEWW.iff into the SHIPS folder, replace the existing. ** Removed due to grim being a numpty
  4. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    That'll do nicely. Thank you.
  5. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    I'll take a look too. Can you tell me the version of the wcpunl.dll you have? I had found more problems relating to cap ships but not sure if I'd got a release into the MUP. Will look at fixing up a new version. Did someone have a save file for T'lan Meth?
  6. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    60 is a good number. Much higher starts to introduce glitches. Comm voice stuttering, turrets firing before pointing at target, asteroids spinning at ludicrous speed...
  7. G

    Prophecy Frame Rate

    The wcpunl.dll that comes with MUP overwrites the changes my old fps tool makes. Changing the settings in the cfg is the right place to do it now.
  8. G

    Custom Emulated Cabinet Depicts Arcade Wing Commander (May 12, 2022)

    Seeing this has reminded me of a film. It is a film from 1994 called Children Of The Dark. The story revolves around two girls who have a genetic condition that means exposure to the sun is fatal for them. They are forced to leave their town, but during their travels they can be seen playing...
  9. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    I'm not sure if the gog version loads HCl's dll. Try this, there should be a wcpunl.ini file, edit it, there should be a [CustomDlls] section. Make sure the first line under it is: File1=wcphr.dll and see if this helps. You'll need the wcphr.dll in the wcp directory, ofc!
  10. G

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    Nice work again @ODVS, each time squeezing every inch of quality out possible. @marco999 the unlimited patch can load your dll. Make your own using the dllentry to call your code and put the name of the dll in to wcpunl.ini
  11. G

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    Indeed, and the file size is unnecessary. Damn I need a gsync monitor. Vsync is a nice to have thing when responsiveness isn't an issue, nice smooth experience. Useless for online fps gaming tho.
  12. G

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    It does depend on how you play. If you are an intense FPS gamer then you always try to get the best framerate. You need your mouse to move your aim with as little delay as possible. Less ms between frames means a more responsive game. So lower detail is preferred. Also lower detail can make...
  13. G

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    The problem is that prophecy loads a dll which uses a Windows api call. Wc3 is a dos program and that api probably isn't available. It may be possible with the kilrathi saga version...
  14. G

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    erm... speechless? Looks good even on YouTube. I think the guys here would be more than willing to host your work if you'll allow. In fact it might be very useful for some ongoing projects. And if you do go ahead with prophecy then it will complement the wcp enhancement pack project nicely...
  15. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Problems also arise if you run the OGLsetup.exe with elevated permissions (Run As Administrator) and the game not elevated, or vice-versa. Registry entries get placed in different parts of the registry. Try running both with same elevation level.
  16. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Likely a permissions problem if you install prophecy within Program Files. Since Vista, permissions are quite tight within Program files. Try installing wcp in something like c:\games\ folder and add the mupdate after.
  17. G

    Happy Birthday Armada! (September 22, 2019)

    I found you couldn't dodge the flak. It would always seem to hit the same side of your ship. In a 1v1 scenario the Gladius and Korlarh would always get destroyed before you can launch your torp. Your only hope was that very occasionally the flak would start hitting a different side of your...
  18. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    You'll see soon enough :)
  19. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Check out the WPC:UNL thread for an update, see if this cures your crash.
  20. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Phew, managed to get to page 3. Time for a bump! Ok new version which is being reworked a little inside. I'm releasing it now mainly to solve crashes people are seeing but also for development of MUP. Changes: Fixed some incorrect offsets in Secret Ops CD, causing crashes when staring...