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  1. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Looking really good. Couple of points so far.. 1. Cerberus's right side missile turret has wrong rotation. 2. Cerberus's collision is a bit funky. Noticed on right side. I can look at that one for you and report back if you like. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any performance slow...
  2. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Not sure yet. Life has kept me away from working my Unlimited dll for a while. Comments on here made a few ideas pop in to my head. Will have to wait and see.
  3. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    All we need is a Plunkett, a Midway and a starbase and the ops intro is complete no? Can't wait!
  4. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Yes the alien ships could look so good. All in good time. I wouldn't say the black bars are bad. I would much rather things have the correct aspect ratio and not be zoomed in to fill the void. What annoys me on TV is when it's not black bars, but blurred copies of the video. How...
  5. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Ooh I don't know... I think they'd look great with some bump added. And yes I'd make them explode in to itty bitty pieces muhuhahaha!
  6. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Nice work. Good to see this still going strong! I wonder how these would stand up in a short CGI sequence...
  7. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Still only in my debug build at the moment, along with the refire delay change to use bullet.iff values instead of 1 second. If I can get some time i'll get it to release. Can't promise it will be soon though.
  8. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Providing DI ships the new wcpunl dll with the next build, this is fixed. All MBM are now unlimited.
  9. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Nice to see a bit of activity here. Nice work on the Galactica @DefianceIndustries, what makes you think I'm mad about bsg?? :) I can always increase the number of turrets if 256 isn't enough :) Anyway, now I have (hopefully) got a working collision tree builder for @DefianceIndustries...
  10. G

    Welcome to Sol Sector, Julianna! (February 15, 2017)

    Welcome to the wonderful world of being a daddy! Congratulations to you all.
  11. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Unless you force disable v-sync in your gpu options the game will sync to your monitor refresh. This is usually 60. With v-sync off I've had over 1000fps but some things get wacky.
  12. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Should this get to prophecy you'll be graced with the sight of this ship a little more than once. Three come to mind: Trying to save the two transports who the Aliens are 'toying with' Just after Blair is kidnapped and 'the midway is on the run' Mission to destroy the wormhole just after the...
  13. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    It sounds like the alignment issues you can get on the HUD when using higher resolutions. It would probably need some updated textures with a modified or higher resolution.
  14. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Yes! I am. On and off. Busy work and home life with my Winglady and little wing nut grabbing most of my attention. It will actually be a separate app and not part of wcpunl. Just trying to make an easy interface like the hard point editor but that let's you see what you're working with. Still...
  15. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    I should think so. Once I get this little project done i'll get in touch.
  16. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Yes wcpunl is needed for the high poly meshes and the same dll will work for Ops and Prophecy. I would imagine high poly cockpits should be fine too. Let me know if not. Don't worry about bsp trees yet, that part is in hand. Should leave you free to keep modelling and add the trees later. :)
  17. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Not at the moment, it's still early development. Soon I hope to let it loose for anyone who wants to use it.
  18. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    I'm not sure, first we have to get to Coruscant! With a quick tweak of the dust particles... Set a course for Coruscant and jump to light speed!
  19. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Yes most definitely, as soon as I've applied the changes to Ops, I'm still working in Prophecy at the moment. I wonder if my additional changes will fix the crash you were seeing before (which I bodge fixed... badly)...