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  1. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    I hadn't appreciated how pointy the original was. It's just right :)
  2. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    The Leviathan was the most poorly textured of the Nephilim capships. This is going to put that straight, and then some! Lovely work again! The nose is quite pointy isn't it?
  3. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    My bad for the Hydra, sorry everyone. I ran out of time before my vacation. It is the most awkward shape of all Neph ships and it caught me out. I have the bridge to do along with a few spikes and tentacles.
  4. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Ok so my plan was to put the 'subtle' change in for this MUP, and then make it configurable but off by default in the following MUP. However in the interest of not wanting to upset those of a more purist persuasion, I have now made it configurable, default off for this MUP. There are actually...
  5. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    So I've updated the wcpunl.dll slightly and, subject to a successful quick test, should be included in the upcoming MUP release. Update includes: Pre-loading mesh materials Pre-loading bitmaps This update should stop most of the short pauses when loading the MUP's snazzy new HQ ships. Oh...
  6. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Nice! Can't Wat to blow it up :) I've seen how many tri's it's made up of. How's the games frame rate hold out?
  7. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Standoff by default disables loading of files from a directory to force only loading from .tre files. By installing MUP and changing that function standoff is loading the mesh files from the directory instead of the .tre file. As MUP is currently only for Secret Ops the mesh files are Prophecy...
  8. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Unlimited

    Well since the arrival of our baby boy, my 'office' has now become a bedroom and my PC has been mostly collecting dust in a corner somewhere. Now I have finally got around to getting a new desk for my new office (aka The Kitchen-Diner) I'll get my rig running and get back to work. Well...
  9. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Meow! Not sure what everyone else thinks but this could be an opportunity to configure the gun loadout positions to match WC3's asymmetric loadout. It's the same wcp weapons so shouldn't affect balance.
  10. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    I had some thoughts about how I could implement this disco ball of doom in wcpunl. The weapon burst could be possible but the emerging/retracting part is a different kettle of fish and a bit beyond me.
  11. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    0. Must have some programming background starting at 0 :) 1. The hardpoint can be tweaked with a little less firing arc and angled a little forward to reduce the effect. In fact the dome may actually make part of the turret mesh and not the base mesh so can be tilted without any noticeable...
  12. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    Another great peace of work. My only crit from a technical point of view is you may get the appearance of turret masers firing through the hull when shooting towards the rear if the hardpoint is set up to match the domes. I guess you could push the domes out a bit and/or angle them forward a bit.
  13. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    Actually speechless. Fabulous detail. Very organic. Gimme a 4K desktop render! Fantastic work well done.
  14. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Isn't the midway's stars actually unpainted hull surrounded by blue paint? Like someone cut out a paper star, sprayed over it and peeled the paper away. Anyway the whit star certainly stands out. May be could be a little more subtle? Maybe faded a bit? But it is clearly the favourite.
  15. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    The left one from @SabreAce for me too. Has a nice blend.
  16. G

    Nephilim Remodels

    She's a beaut so far. Very detailed. If I might be so bold I had imagined the detail to be more like skin wrapping around bone and muscle rather than sharp cut outs. That's not a crit though, just my thoughts. Regarding the number of poly's, it's no longer a case of the engine handling it...
  17. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Take another look at that last Plunkett picture just a little closer... :)
  18. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    D'oh! Above the right wing :)
  19. G

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Engine. Don't think there are missile turrets anywhere else? :)