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  1. G

    Updating Our Tube (March 29, 2007)

    Makes me wish I had the WC:IV DVD version. Both the Origin logo's are used in all versions. The first more fiery logo is clearly from the intro scene as you can hear the drum beat to the intro music as it fades out. The second logo is from the video test during install. Real nice to see...
  2. G

    Shrike Three, You're Out! (September 29, 2006)

    Yes, MAX is the evil format! .3ds is a good allround format
  3. G

    That Stings! (March 16, 2007)

    Thats cool, well just having a play with the stingray in lightwave. Anything in 3DS is ace as I can directly import, max is sadface for me :( BTW Pedro, love the saying from Jack O'Neill, stargate. Make me laugh everytime. One of my fav eps that time loop one!
  4. G

    That Stings! (March 16, 2007)

    Whats the original format? Im a Lightwave person myself :)
  5. G

    Make New Friends, But Keep The Old (March 3, 2007)

    I have to agree with that. I would have liked to have seen the confederation class as a movie quality version of the original.
  6. G

    Make New Friends, But Keep The Old (March 3, 2007)

    There are no arguements here, simply opinions. Noone has said anything bad about the new designes. I personally said that I did not dislike the design just that I prefer the simplicity of the original design.
  7. G

    Make New Friends, But Keep The Old (March 3, 2007)

    Haha, I know what you mean by fat hips!
  8. G

    Make New Friends, But Keep The Old (March 3, 2007)

    I have to admit, I think I prefer the older shape. The new one seems too "overdressed" and out of proportion to the rest of the Wing Commander series. However, thats not to say I dont like it all togather. I just hope the make a new WC for the PC, and its 1st person simulation! C'mon EA...
  9. G

    General ideas

    Unfortunately i missed WC1/2 but im kind of guessing its like a privateer paradigm/kamekh ?
  10. G

    General ideas

    How will capital ships work? Im a fan of big capships battles, but that was impossible in Prophecy/Secret Ops. I would like to see WC3 style capships, but with shields powerful enough with a regen rate just high enough to prevent a single figher from lasering them down, but a group of fighters...
  11. G

    Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

    An armada tournament would be ace. Just one question, does armada slow down for everyone else when fighting another human on a different computer? I played against a friend on lan but the game ran slower, not sure if its just a bad spec or normal.
  12. G

    Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

    Whats the word on the street Popsicle Pete? This one seems to have been swept under the carpet, any more snippets of how wcpmp is progressing? Thanks :)
  13. G

    News update

    WC3 i would always choose the arrow over the hellcat. just outruns most fire. Autoslide inside a carrier or behind other capships. horrible to fight corvettes in though. that tachyon turred owns me.
  14. G

    News update

    The confet gauntlet make me feel like im playing sonic the hedgehog for the master system
  15. G

    News update

    Was just thinking that if you had found a way or was a step closer, it would help in something like hcl's wcpmp so we can add more ships. perhaps he already as a way, i dont know! :P
  16. G

    News update

    The hack you added to remove the need for 'alswantsmoreships', is this any steps closer to actually being able to add more then 14 ships to the simulator?
  17. G

    Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

    Thought that might be the case. But something to look at for future releases.
  18. G

    Favorite Wing Commander Battle/Mission

    my favorite is the mission you can't win in WC3 after the T-Bomb expert is lost. You get to fight continuous waves of fighters and corvettes and the mighty Dreadnought.
  19. G

    Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

    Im guessing for the moment the MP will read the ships loadout locally so im guessing you'll have checks in place so people cannot modify loadouts. Would it be possible for clients to read the loadout settings from the server? This could make the game interesting because the server could modify...
  20. G

    Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

    Wise words my master, you have trained me well.