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  1. Dundradal

    WC vs History - Lost Edition - Introduction To Carrier Raids (August 11, 2012)

    The reason there are two WC vs History's for the birthday is rather quite simple. LOAF lost this one in his email. I sent him the history parts asking for some WC polish. So it's sat idly for months. But we are now able to present it to you complete! And it's almost rather timely, with...
  2. Dundradal

    3D Printed Privateer ships.

    Welcome! Always good to see a friendly ship! (And that greeting was perhaps never more appropriate!) Those are damn good looking!
  3. Dundradal

    Armada - A Game Too Far? (July 22, 2012)

    That's what the people over at PC Format seemed to think in their September 1994 review of Wing Commander Armada. They enjoyed the game's detailed graphics, but found the gameplay and strategy level uninteresting. They do have some points about Armada, but their review is more swayed by the fact...
  4. Dundradal

    Star Citizen guild- oops, I mean squadron...

    By all means but, the best way to get a hold of us is to jump into the CIC Discord. There's always people online:
  5. Dundradal

    Star Citizen guild- oops, I mean squadron...

    In the last week or so, some of us in the CIC Discord have been jumping online and flying around together. The most interesting thing that happened to us so far is that both Whistler and myself managed to space ourselves....on the same trip. AD had to do a lot of flying around to find us!
  6. Dundradal

    The Balance of Power in WC

    Good timing for this thread to appear. In the last week or so, we've been having on-and-off discussions about various aspects of WC in the CIC Discord. I don't think the US-Japan comparison entirely fits. Parts of it can certainly be applied, but not all of it. It's kind of like it's all of...
  7. Dundradal

    Merry Christmas! (December 25, 2017)

    These were always one of the greatest parts about CIC Christmas. Marc did a great job on all of them.
  8. Dundradal

    hello all wing commander gamers

    Welcome! Always good to see a friendly ship!
  9. Dundradal

    Three Cheers For WC2 Manuals (November 7, 2017)

    I have the blueberry version for my WC2 deluxe. My dad got it at a yard sale.
  10. Dundradal

    WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

    Mod DB's facebook page was actually pumping the mod a few days ago:
  11. Dundradal

    Are Armada and Academy worth playing?

    They are worth it for the cost and Armada is a lot of fun multiplayer. But, like capi said, there isn't a ton to them in terms of single player stuff compared to the other games. But I think they are worth the few bucks and checking them off the list.
  12. Dundradal

    Thank You! (August 20, 2017)

    As hard as it is to believe, we actually never got to it. We were all catching up and things just sort of slipped...then we moved from IRC to the CIC's Discord ( for those interested). So, there will be quite the stockpile for the big 20th birthday next year!
  13. Dundradal

    Download List Gets Birthday Update (August 20, 2017)

    Over the years, the CIC has gathered a huge number of files in our archives from all types of places. We've been working on organizing many of those files, 116 gigabytes of them to be exact, in our Downloads section. It's been given a birthday update to cover the things we've posted the last few...
  14. Dundradal

    Fan Makes Epic Remaster Of WC Theme (August 14, 2017)

    Bravo Zulu! It was most certainly epic!
  15. Dundradal

    Happy Birthday CIC! (August 10, 2017)

    Just drop in early! I'm sure their will be a number of wingnuts hanging out all day.
  16. Dundradal

    Happy Birthday CIC! (August 10, 2017)

    Happy Birthday!
  17. Dundradal

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Hot damn! Those cruisers are looking good!
  18. Dundradal

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Circling back to the original question, you should be able to upload the file now.
  19. Dundradal

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Will have to wait until Kris can take a peak at what's going on with it to upload the file. I'm not 100% sure. Is it given a name in S*S?