After many years, I returned and rewrote it in Turbo C++ 3.0 as a pure native DOS program, so you can run it inside DOSBOX now; and this shrunk the file size dramatically.
The new readme is now below:
WINGHARD v2.0 README (1 January 2025)
WINGHARD is a...
I'm just jumping in to show support.
I like that you're trying to model that interregnum between WC1 and WC2, where Blair was beached in the middle of nowhere doing nothing, while his teammates like Angel and Maniac from WC1 were fighting and dying on the frontlines.
Also, I like the feel...
WING HARD version 1.5
(Hosted on my site as CIC won't let you attach 3~ MB ZIP Files.
This is an outgrowth of previous research into zeroing out asteroid damage:
This program lets you fine tune WC1 and WC2 (GOG releases) difficulty to what you feel is correct.
Basically, I programmed in...
Heres v1.00 of WING HARD.
3.5 MB ZIP with source included
Place it into your GOG WC1 installation folder and click on it. It'll bring up a console like window.
It currently only edits the GOG version of WC1, i.e. WC.EXE and SM2.EXE
WC2 will come later.
Reason for the huge file size (for...
Here's how I'm implementing difficulty:
I have all the offsets for shield/armor etc programmed, along with stock base values. So for example, the Hornet has 40 value = 4.0 cm front shields. If you enter a multiplier of 1.5 for difficulty, it becomes 40 * 1.5 = 60 (or 6.0 cm in game).
All TCN...
I'm using the GOG version as the baseline which is what most people (and I) have for active use. I can always find a copy of Kilrathi Sagi, used and see how that behaves. GOG should try doing Kilrathi Saga too.
Working on a program called WINGHARD to adjust asteroid lethal radiuses AND adjust difficulty in the game.
Basically, you can enter a multiplier, and the program will adjust based off that.
So its been a while; and I think I can improve this, with what I've learned in editing elsewhere and programming python; to create a 5 MB (sorry about file size, it's smallest possible for python to exe) command line program which will let you edit WC1/2 to scale the difficulty up or down as you...
Mission data in Privateer for "plot" missions appears to be in:
Apparently you can create "new" plot missions simply by creating a new .IFF file and placing it there, from the test mission that HCl made long ago...
Figured out the formula used to calculate variables thanks to this page:
So here we go.
Then you have nine MODIFIERS, one for each type of location.
The formula used to calculate the other...
Editing COMODTYP.IFF, I've successfully made slaves show up at the starting base you start out with as a buyable item.
I've also deciphered the file format for the commodities somewhat. (see below)
I don't know whether Set #1 is actually agricultural world data, but it's a place holder --...
Worked up a bit on how to edit them for my website: