Recent content by Rylex

  1. Rylex

    Wing Leader Adds Lumbari & Exquisite Cockpit Lighting (September 7, 2024)

    Absolutely! This new Wing Commander 1 looks amazing. I would rather play that than waste my time with Star Citizien. And yes, I also bought several packs of Squadron 42 and Star Citizen. But the old games are simply the best! Now if only this upgrade would come for Privateer 1. Preferably with...
  2. Rylex

    Confederation [Work in Progress]

    I would improve the above graphic a little. The gray "staircase" on the top left should be removed by placing some darker gray values in between. I understood, that the graphics are not yet ready... so I'm sure you are already working on it. The new cockpits however, with the 360 degree view...
  3. Rylex

    Fighter/Bomber In-Service Dates Visualized (February 29, 2024)

    Hehe, yes I always forget Wing Commander Arena, because I haven't played it. Thanks for the pictures!! The only ship looking a bit similar to an Arrow is the first scout version picture. The other ones ... well... are sort of "fat" and ugly. :eek: After all, everyone has different tastes, so no...
  4. Rylex

    Fighter/Bomber In-Service Dates Visualized (February 29, 2024)

    Ah, there it is. The good ol' "Arrow"... who would have thought that? And I thought the Arrow had been decommissioned at the latest since the Vampire was taken into service. :D
  5. Rylex

    Precisely Legit Enough to Quit (February 12, 2024)

    I remember that one, too. Good ol' days. They will never come back...
  6. Rylex

    Wing Commander Prophecy 3D Printed Goodness.

    Beautiful models! Although the Vampire is a powerful fighter, it is less beautiful than the Excalibur and especially than the Arrow! :p But well, I'm really biased here... but I find the "old" ships like the Epee or Rapier more beautiful than the WC Prophecy ships.
  7. Rylex

    Always Up for Arrow Art (October 16, 2023)

    Dear Adam, thank you very much for giving me this insight into your life back then. I am all the more pleased if I was able to make a positive contribution to the start of your family with my order. At the time, I really thought back and forth about whether I should really order this Arrow, as I...
  8. Rylex

    Originator [v0.3.06 Released]

    That sounds indeed very, very interesting! Please keep me updated on this - I can't wait to hear more about it! ;)
  9. Rylex

    Originator [v0.3.06 Released]

    Shame on me, you're right with the jump destination. Thanks for pointing that out... it seems that I'm more overworked, than I thought. You probably already knew this then too. Concerning the coordinates, radius and ids of the spheres for the navigation and jump points. Here the example of the...
  10. Rylex

    Originator [v0.3.06 Released]

    Hi AllTinker, At first I'd like to thank you for your help! I've already analyzed the sector data with a normal HEX viewer up and down and so far your extracted data seems correct. However I've to add something for your tool. With SECTORS.IFF -> Sector Number -> SCTR -> PART -> JUMP The jump...
  11. Rylex

    Originator [v0.3.06 Released]

    Extracting Privateer data... very interesting indeed. Even though LOAF has some extracted sector data, I would be keen to find out, if there is some hidden data because of the hidden jump points I've not been able to find again so far. The dialogues can be read right from the TRE file and I've...
  12. Rylex

    Always Up for Arrow Art (October 16, 2023)

    Beautiful and must be about the size as my 3D printed Arrow model, which has been printed and painted by Adam Burch back in 2013. It is more than 20 cm long (about 21-22 cm I guess) ... I didn't take the glass cabin off to take the photos. I love it. @ Chris or LOAF ... if you like, you can...
  13. Rylex

    Anyone else sit for 3 hours fighting ships at the end of WC3 for PSX until figuring out they had to cloak?

    Never underestimate a fast and maneuverable ship like the Arrow. And even though not as fast as the Armada Arrow, the WC3 Arrow could kick your ass with its auto sliding function just like the Excalibur (pressing Caps Lock). It's a pity that this function never worked reliable on the German...
  14. Rylex

    Anyone else sit for 3 hours fighting ships at the end of WC3 for PSX until figuring out they had to cloak?

    So you mean, the cloaking device was added later even though it wasn't originally planned? The game would have been much more difficult without it. But then again, why do you have to fly the Excalibur? OK, obviously the Arrow doesn't have enough room for the templor bomb. A light fast fighter...
  15. Rylex

    Anyone else sit for 3 hours fighting ships at the end of WC3 for PSX until figuring out they had to cloak?

    Well ... I've seen the last mission at a friend of mine first, who had a much faster computer in 1995 ... he had a 486 DX2-66 while I had only a 386 with 40 MHz, which was way too slow and without a CD-ROM drive. Good old days... But yeah ... I might have tried to cloak first, before fighting...