BREAKING NEWS: Arena Site Updated Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Electronic Arts' official Wing Commander Arena website has been updated with some cool new material that's sure to impress! First up is a third 'Did You Know?' ship fact, this time presenting the Dralthi IX Striker:
Two hundred years of development and ten major revisions of the spaceframe have led to this: The Dralthi IX. The Striker design is an evolution of the spit-and-glue Dralthi IV models flown by Bloodhunters at the start of the Nephilim conflict. The result is a fighter which has repeatedly proven itself in action both against and alongside the Confederation's Hurricane II and the Border World's Predator-class front line military fighters.
How cool is that? Well, it gets better - EA's Community Manager has also posted a stunning new rendering. "Under Attack" shows a giant space battle involving ships of all sorts - Broadswords, Rapiers, Dralthi, Darkets, Arrows... even a Perry-style base! The EA Arcade site's previous ship facts for the Darket Raptor and the Rapier II Blade have been archived in our Arena section.

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