Wing Commander CIC


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  Kilrathi Empire
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Events around May 22 (.141)

2654.140 2654.141

Port Hedland 2
Blair and Knight launch from the Tiger's Claw in Scimitars on a four point patrol mission. During the mission they encounter and destroy a new type of Kilrathi cruiser, which Intelligence are calling Fralthi class.
[Wing Commander]

TCSO show
The TCSO (Terran Confederation Service Organization) show takes place aboard the TCS Tiger's Claw. The show includes Zero-G dancers and a holovid of Bob Hope, a comic who retired in the middle of the 22nd century.
[Wing Commander]


Port Hedland 3
Blair and Knight scramble in Scimitars to first defend from Claw from attacking Jalthi, before moving on to Nav 1 to defend an Exeter from Gratha and then finally moving on to Nav 2 to destroy a Fralthi class cruiser.
[Wing Commander]


McGuffin murder
Following the murder of Specialist McGuffin, Security searches all pilots quarters. Stingray's pilot wings were missing from his locker during inspection, and since McGuffin was found with pilot wings in his hand, suspicion instantly falls on Stingray who is removed from the flight roster for the following mission.
[Wing Commander II]

Niven D
The TCS Concordia prepares to jump to Ghorah Khar system, believing that the Kilrathi in Niven were only passing through and that their real target is the colony on Ghorah Khar.

The Concordia launches scout wings to clear a route to the jump point. Blair flies a wide scout pattern to Concordia's port side. During the mission Blair encounters stealth fighters, however his flight recorder is damaged in the fighting.

Without any proof, Jeanette Deveraux refuses to tell the Admiral Blair's mission report and instead records that Blair encountered Drakhri fighters.
[Wing Commander II]



Armed Forces S  
Joshua Bondare  
Rolling Hills   
TCS Roger Youn  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  