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  1. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    You can use the "ALT"+"o" key combo when in flight mode to change various settings, including difficulty. Also I made a note on the patches GitHub page to reduce confusion around DirectDraw_Hack. I have the Kilrathi Saga version and I haven't tested the "GOG"dos to win patch route yet. You...
  2. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Updated the patch: wc3w_en_v0.2.0 Added the ability to patch the game by loading separate game data files in place of files located in .tre archives. These should be placed in the "data" folder in your game directory. And have the same folder structure as the paths in "globals.iff". @The Crank...
  3. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Wondered when someone would notice that. Unlike other HUD elements, the targeting rects and way point markers(white cross) are drawn in relation to the 3d space view. I do intend to fix that at some point, just be a bit of mucking about figuring out there position in relation to the scaled HUD...
  4. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    I agree with you. It's just my process, trying to track stick position down to ship movement and understanding whats happening along the way. In the mean time, if you want to drop the frame-rate: Open the "wc3w_en.ini" and under "[SPACE]" add the line "SPACE_REFRESH_RATE_HZ=24". Changing "24" to...
  5. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    That's sounds great, it's amazing the level of detail you can pull from such a small bunch of pixels. Looking forward to any improvements you can make. :) I was thinking of doing the same for wc4, once I'm happy with wc3. As I assume their quite similar internally. Progress update: At the...
  6. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    I'd like to add the news reel at least. Not to sure on the how at this point. In space the frame rate is limited to 24fps as original so I wouldn't think that is the problem. I was actually working on increasing the fps in the patch but it was causing a lot of problems, so I've dropped it for...
  7. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Sorry, I feel bad about that. I didn't realise anyone else was really working on this, until I read a post on the main page last week regarding your work. Yeah, getting the movie segments to play seamlessly was the real tricky part. It's still not perfect, there are noticeable little hiccups...
  8. M

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Hi, I been working on a patch for the Windows version of WC3 which came in the Kilrathi Saga compilation. It's finally reached a point where it seems playable so I thought it might be a good time to share it here. My initial goal was to increase the resolution of the game so as to see more...
  9. M

    KS WC3 + Mash patch + DDHack = success?

    Very weird, whatever works I suppose. Nice piece of problem solving :)
  10. M

    KS WC3 + Mash patch + DDHack = success?

    Not sure if your aware, but I updated the movie fix recently to use dsound.dll rather than ddraw.dll. So you should be able to use both patches together without the need to hex edit the exe. It made the news page at the time, Here's the link.
  11. M

    WC3KS video crash with DDHACK

    I've updated my Movie fix patch to piggy back off the dsound.dll instead of the ddraw.dll. So the two should work side by side now. Here's the link: Let me know if it does the trick.
  12. M

    Lego Squadron Poses for Group Photo (February 4, 2011)

    Paladin, Maniac, Spirit, Bossman, Knight, Halcyon, Maverick, Angel, Doomsday, Iceman, Jazz, Hunter, Shotglass
  13. M

    WC3 KS Version fix on XP

    I created a patch to fix the movie crashing bug a while back. It worked great for me and everyone who tried it at the time. Here's the link.
  14. M

    WC3 KSaga Patch - for Movie Crashing bug

    Thanks for the feedback guys, it seems the patch is working as intended. If there are any other wc3 problem you think need addressing let me know.
  15. M

    WC3 KSaga Patch - for Movie Crashing bug

    I tried different install types as you suggested Rylex but did not suffer the stuttering problem as you did. The files "gameflow.tre" and "mission.tre" are added in the 41 MB install. So it's probably related to these files being accessed faster than the movie "tre" files which still run off the...
  16. M

    WC3 KSaga Patch - for Movie Crashing bug

    A new version of the patch is available. I've made some changes to the way its loaded by the game which should make it easier to install, I've added a series of slowdown fixes for the Pre Flight Power-up Screen and I've also added an ini file where you can adjust the slowdown delays to your own...
  17. M

    Kilrathi Saga DVD?

    Thats a bummer :(. I should be able to fix it though. I'll PM you when I upload a new version.
  18. M

    Kilrathi Saga DVD?

    I'm glad to here it's working for you Rylex. There are a couple things I might add in the future but I have to find them in the exe first, which may take some time. So I have no immediate plans to update the patch. The original xanlib.dll is still needed so if you want the patch to be install...
  19. M

    Kilrathi Saga DVD?

    Your files all look the right size to me. I'm still leaning towards this being the movie crashing bug, with the difference in read speed between dvd and cd aggravating the problem. This makes you a perfect candidate to try a new patch I just created...
  20. M

    WC3 KSaga Patch - for Movie Crashing bug

    Hi all, This patch is an attempt to fix some of the problems associated with running the Windows version of Wing Commander 3 on modern OSes and on modern hardware. This release includes a fix for the 'Ingame Movie Crashing Bug' and a slowdown fix for the Nav Map Screen. Installation...