Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

No dice. Also what do you mean fix the aspect ratio of the menus? They are 4:3 assets, the OpenGL patch intentionally adjusts them to stay at 4:3 to avoid them looking squished.
It sounds like, if it was working, it would make the gameplay and menus 16:9 by *breaking* the aspect ratio
If I play these HD movie externally (VLC or any other players) in full screen I see perfectly these videos without black bars and without any breaking.

This becouse these videos are in 1920x1080.

And the some for this video youtube:

where I don't see any problems in FullHD without blackbars.

This patch Allow to see the videos in the some conditions nothing more nothing less.

However to see the result just copy the files and see what happen.

Personally I found it usuful, but my is only a opinion ...
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This patch Allow to see the videos in the some conditions nothing more nothing less.

However to see the result just copy the files and see what happen.

Personally I found it usuful, but my is only a opinion ...

I think I understand now; your readme file threw me.
So this should fix the aspect ratio of the movies, so that it's correct like the menus and gameplay?

I wish I could get it to work :(
Yes, the patch change the resolution before play the video and after restore it when the video is finished, not more.

but unfortunatenly there is the subtitle issue (the text is sometimes cutted), but the problem there is with or without my patch.

Hope is possible solve it, I'have not sufficient experience to do it.
you can set the window to be full screen in the options menu.
On one of the posts there’s a new dll for the movie issues so long as the options are set to full screen and your native resolution. The dvd patch is very picky so trying to do any kind of override would break the movie playback.
hmmmmmm, I'm having trouble finding the updated dll...can anyone point me towards it?
I don't known this updated dll but I have solved the some problem in this way:

If you do not see the mp4 videos in the movies folder, but hear the voices proceed as follows:

Go to the log on this entry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Direct3D \ Shims \ EnableOverlays \

if there is a key like:

G: \Games\Wing Commander Prophecy\ prophecy.exe

delete it.

Bebore proceed I suggest to do a backup of this key.
I have installed MUP as recommended here (in order to geht MUP + upscaled and enhanced videos work ingame):
But the wcpunl.ini still isn't present in the game directory. What did I wrong?
Not certain, it should have installed. However wcpunl.ini is a simple text file that gets created the first time you run the MUP. If it didn't create it for some reason, you can create one using notepad (just save it as wcpunl.cfg and add the following lines):

Hey all - It's been a while, but the recent activity on this thread has nudged us to moving forward with version 1 release of the MUP. Right now I'm in the process of cleaning up the Beta files - there are a number of recent bugs to fix as well. However the new release will have the following new features:

  1. The long-awaited HD video fix incorporated into the DLLs so the MUP will play nice with @ODVS HD packs.
  2. Quality of life improvements for collision spheres on asteroids.
  3. Implementation of normal mapping on Confed ships (Bugs don't really need it)
  4. Fixing the panther texture issue in the install
  5. Cerberus V2
  6. Twilite Purchase
  7. Thunderbolt VII V2
Aside from that there are still some outstanding Nephilim models, notably the CommFac and the Tiamat. I will get to those if possible. No solid ETA yet but I wouldn't expect too long a wait on it. I'll update this thread once we have a date for the release.

Hi guys, and thank you for your work!


Any ideas how to fix this? In all the videos I have this big black bar and I lose the top of the image.

GOG version + enhancement pack + OpenGLTestMUP + HD pack (movies), last K-Lite codec pack, 1920x1080, GTX1080, Windows 11.
Greetings, I recently start a new playthrough (with the updated FMW and MUP-Panther-Beta everything) and get Stuck in the Mission "T'lan Meth 4a - Kilrathi Rendezvous" where fight along with the cats in a shrike against several Capships ( Hydra, Leviathan). The Flying won't start, its instantly crash to desktop after the starting FMW. I try several option in the Opengl menu and the fps settings in wcpunl.cfg/ini. No matter what res or fps setting - it crashed. When try the vanilla-GOG-Version the shrike launched and I see the old aged models...:eek: I play it on Win10 64bit as Admin ( I also try several compatibility-things without any effect) my rig is Ryzen3700X, 16Gb and RTX2700 (every driver is up to date). Maybe the old WCP engine can`t handle the mass off so much diffrent updated models in that mission and crash? I don't now. The other missions before are ok. Can anyone help? THX :)
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Greetings, I recently start a new playthrough (with the updated FMW and MUP-Panther-Beta everything) and get Stuck in the Mission "T'lan Meth 4a - Kilrathi Rendezvous" where fight along with the cats in a shrike against several Capships ( Hydra, Leviathan). The Flying won't start, its instantly crash to desktop after the starting FMW. I try several option in the Opengl menu and the fps settings in wcpunl.cfg/ini. No matter what res or fps setting - it crashed. When try the vanilla-GOG-Version the shrike launched and I see the old aged models...:eek: I play it on Win10 64bit as Admin ( I also try several compatibility-things without any effect) my rig is Ryzen3700X, 16Gb and RTX2700 (every driver is up to date). Maybe the old WCP engine can`t handle the mass off so much diffrent updated models in that mission and crash? I don't now. The other missions before are ok. Can anyone help? THX :)
Can you share the save game? That would let us see if we can recreate it.
I don't known this updated dll but I have solved the some problem in this way:

If you do not see the mp4 videos in the movies folder, but hear the voices proceed as follows:

Go to the log on this entry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Direct3D \ Shims \ EnableOverlays \

if there is a key like:

G: \Games\Wing Commander Prophecy\ prophecy.exe

delete it.

Bebore proceed I suggest to do a backup of this key.

Hello all. I was also having the same issue with the new Ai high Definition videos not playing an image ( but the sound was working) .

I would just like to confirm that after trying all of the other suggestions I found on this site, I installed K-lite mega codec etc and set the 'Win7DFilterTweaker:' Preferred decoders / H.264 64bt & 32bit to 'MICROSOFT' ) and then I found the ' G: \Games\Wing Commander Prophecy\ prophecy.exe ' In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\DIRECT3D\SHIMS\ENABLEOVERLAYS\

However, rather than delete the entry I just renamed it with 999 at the end of it, (just in case I had to add it back again)

I can happily report the HD Ai Videos are playing fine now but I noticed another issue.. I had a screensaver set to activate which was displaying photos from a folder on my PC .

When this came on during a video cut scene in the game, I lost the video image again! and I found that windows had YET AGAIN placed 'Enable overlays' on the system. :(

So I disabled my screensaver and 'touch wood' I've not yet had an issue with the Video playback in the game again.

Hopefully this helps somebody :)