Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

No that's the most recent version. The MUP install should replace the EXE and it should already have the noCD patch in it. Let me do a clean GOG install and I'll check the files.
@marco999 - So I did a clean install using the GOG version of WCP as well as a reinstall of the MUP pack using the link provided. I was able to install and run everything fine. I did not get the CD error. The Prophecy EXE shows as last updated 4/1/2017. So it is the correct version.

Can you please walk me through the steps you did just so I can see if there's anything in there?
Hi DefianceIndustries,

I have tried again and now work normally.

But there is a problem If I copy the folder "movie" now don't play the videos in mp4 (now play only audio).

In my previous installation "OpenGL-WCP_setup.exe" I could play the hi-res video, but now it not possible.

I have copied my previous wcp installation to another folder with the some result.

After install and unistall the result not change.

Do you known how is possible solve ?

Do you known if your setup save something in registry/system32 or another folder external to my ?

Thanks !
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I'm not sure if the gog version loads HCl's dll. Try this, there should be a wcpunl.ini file, edit it, there should be a [CustomDlls] section. Make sure the first line under it is: File1=wcphr.dll and see if this helps.

You'll need the wcphr.dll in the wcp directory, ofc!
Hi gr1mre4per,

I have updated the file: "wcpunl.ini"


my file "wcphr.dll" is 2011.

The result don't change.

In the meantime do you have the source code of your mod "OpenGL-WCP_setup.exe" ?

Thanks !
The only fix I was looking into is the dll I already posted in your other thread.
If you aren't seeing/hearing movies at all it sounds like a codec issue.
Hi Pedro,

I have already copied the updated dll "gl_00007" you have sent me with some result.

Work only the audio but the screen is black (I see only the subtitles).

I don't sure if is a system codec issue, becouse I can play all of these videos with many players, but not with WCP.

My impression is that the installer "OpenGL-WCP_setup.exe" do something externally and not only write inside the folder.

Do you have the files inside "OpenGL-WCP_setup.exe" ? I like to see in deep what happen when I launch this setup.

Thanks !
Most players these days aren’t dependent on an external codec pack, I’d still try installing something like k-lite.

To the best of my knowledge everything the patch adds is in the game folder. @PopsiclePete put the installer together, he’d know for certain
Hi Pedro, I have solved the problem and I have fixed myself the aspect ratio by adding a new custom dll with some small comromise.

There is another problem on Open_GL_patch: on subtibles the font size is too high and the text is often cutted.

Without Open_GL_patch the subtitle font size is correct, but the movie quality is old.

For what you known there is a way to reduce the font size in the subtitles ?

ex: hook the function: 0x4BACE0 or other easy way ?

Thanks !
Hi Pedro, I have solved the problem and I have fixed myself the aspect ratio by adding a new custom dll with some small comromise.

There is another problem on Open_GL_patch: on subtibles the font size is too high and the text is often cutted.

Without Open_GL_patch the subtitle font size is correct, but the movie quality is old.

For what you known there is a way to reduce the font size in the subtitles ?

ex: hook the function: 0x4BACE0 or other easy way ?

Thanks !

If you mean the movie subtitles that's part of HCl's patch. I don't have the code for the DVD patch, I wish that I did; I could probably get the movies to render in the same window.
If you fancy reverse engineering wcphr.dll I'd be happy to co-operate on such an endeavour. I could even throw you the code for mp4 playback from the remake which we know plays nicely with ODVS's videos.
Hi Pedro, I have solved the problem and I have fixed myself the aspect ratio by adding a new custom dll with some small comromise.

There is another problem on Open_GL_patch: on subtibles the font size is too high and the text is often cutted.

Without Open_GL_patch the subtitle font size is correct, but the movie quality is old.

For what you known there is a way to reduce the font size in the subtitles ?

ex: hook the function: 0x4BACE0 or other easy way ?

Thanks !
I don't remember specifically how the WCP patch handles subtitles but they aren't actually handled by the DVD video player since the subs aren't in the actual DVD files. They game has to read the subs from the gamefiles themselves. There's some kind of passthrough happening for the subs to show.

You could experiment with the various DVD sub settings and tweak them using something like Klite's codec tweak too but my suspicion is that it won't actually affect the subs in the game. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try though.
I have only hooked with ms detours that point where start and finsh the movie and force the resulution to 1920x1080 and after restore the resolution and now the game is all widescreen (game/menu/movies). I can provide the source code but is very easy.

However with or without my mod the subtitle font is too high and the text is cutted.

"I wish that I did; I could probably get the movies to render in the same window." This is the best solution if you can do it you solve the problem.
Please let me known when you are ready.

"I don't remember specifically how the WCP patch handles subtitles" the subtitle are not inside the movie but are apart.So WCP read the movie file and the subtitle file.

The next step that I like to try (but I don't sure if I will get success) is to change the joystick axis resolution that in this game is too low (actually is not possible do small change of position)

Thanks !
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Long time lurker here....just wanted to put forward my experience, specifically with WCP and the DVD movie patch.

After a bit of trial and error, this is what worked for me:
  1. Install WCP and SO from gog
  2. Install K-lite Codec Pack (This fixes so many problems with so many old DVD games so I install it anyways. If its your first time installing this pack, then open Codec Tweak Tool, click prefered decoders bottom left, and select Microsoft for H264 for both 32 and 64 bit versions)
  3. Install OpenGL-WCP_setup(TEST-MUP)-RELEASE-CANDIDATE.exe
  4. Select 1080p and windowed mode
  5. Unzip Panther patch to both the WCP and SO directories
  6. Unzip WCP Patch from post #37 from the Complete WC GOG fixes and tweaks thread to the WCP directory
  7. Create a folder called "movie" in your WCP directory
  8. Unzip WCP HD pack 4.0 from this thread to the move directory.
  9. Rename *.mp4 to *.vob (I recommend power rename, part of Microsoft PowerToys)
  10. If you want to remove the window borders, I recommend Borderless Gaming. A very handy tool for some older games on modern systems too.

I have tried this with and without subtitles on nVidia hardware on both desktop and laptop (laptop has 2 GPU's with the nVidia selected as the main video card to use in Windows Settings).

The only problem that I have come across has been sometimes videos don't play and you're looking at a black screen. Just press spacebar (not esc as it will skip the video) and the video should them proceed to play.

Hope this helps some people and if anyone thinks I should also post this elsewhere, just let me know!
Long time lurker here....just wanted to put forward my experience, specifically with WCP and the DVD movie patch.

After a bit of trial and error, this is what worked for me:
  1. Install WCP and SO from gog
  2. Install K-lite Codec Pack (This fixes so many problems with so many old DVD games so I install it anyways. If its your first time installing this pack, then open Codec Tweak Tool, click prefered decoders bottom left, and select Microsoft for H264 for both 32 and 64 bit versions)
  3. Install OpenGL-WCP_setup(TEST-MUP)-RELEASE-CANDIDATE.exe
  4. Select 1080p and windowed mode
  5. Unzip Panther patch to both the WCP and SO directories
  6. Unzip WCP Patch from post #37 from the Complete WC GOG fixes and tweaks thread to the WCP directory
  7. Create a folder called "movie" in your WCP directory
  8. Unzip WCP HD pack 4.0 from this thread to the move directory.
  9. Rename *.mp4 to *.vob (I recommend power rename, part of Microsoft PowerToys)
  10. If you want to remove the window borders, I recommend Borderless Gaming. A very handy tool for some older games on modern systems too.

I have tried this with and without subtitles on nVidia hardware on both desktop and laptop (laptop has 2 GPU's with the nVidia selected as the main video card to use in Windows Settings).

The only problem that I have come across has been sometimes videos don't play and you're looking at a black screen. Just press spacebar (not esc as it will skip the video) and the video should them proceed to play.

Hope this helps some people and if anyone thinks I should also post this elsewhere, just let me know!

you can set the window to be full screen in the options menu.
On one of the posts there’s a new dll for the movie issues so long as the options are set to full screen and your native resolution. The dvd patch is very picky so trying to do any kind of override would break the movie playback.
you can set the window to be full screen in the options menu.
On one of the posts there’s a new dll for the movie issues so long as the options are set to full screen and your native resolution. The dvd patch is very picky so trying to do any kind of override would break the movie playback.
I'll have to have a deeper dig, I didn't look at all the posts in this thread 😬
I have created this dll to fix aspect ratio issue:

Take present that this still in beta, I suggest to make a copy of your wcp folder and follow the insructions in the txt file.

I have tested it in my machine and work.

Hope this can help.


I have created this dll to fix aspect ratio issue:

Take present that this still in beta, I suggest to make a copy of your wcp folder and follow the insructions in the txt file.

I have tested it in my machine and work.

Hope this can help.

No dice. Also what do you mean fix the aspect ratio of the menus? They are 4:3 assets, the OpenGL patch intentionally adjusts them to stay at 4:3 to avoid them looking squished.
It sounds like, if it was working, it would make the gameplay and menus 16:9 by *breaking* the aspect ratio